No need to book; drop in anytime, and stay as long as you like.
Bring the whole family along to help us make a series of giant murals on the People Powered Press – the largest letterpress printing press of its kind in the world.
We’ll be using Brico – just four different shapes cut into wooden blocks – to make some really, really big letters which will be put together as murals for display in a variety of public places.
You can help us move the dozens of shapes around in the press to create the letters, and to ink them up, and ultimately see the results of your work up on a wall somewhere around the Bradford district!
What to bring with you
- Clothes that you wouldn’t mind getting a little bit dirty, though we'll provide you with a fetching apron.
- If you have long hair, please bring something you can use to tie it back, and don’t wear anything too flowy, especially baggy sleeves, to avoid getting trapped in the press’s roller or dangling in the ink.
All proceeds from this workshop will be used to support the People Powered Press' work with community groups around the Bradford district, amplifying local voices and spreading words worth spreading.

Making the People Powered Press' workshop Covid-safe
Although we’re launching this season of workshops at a time of uncertainty about future Covid-19 restrictions, we’re making sure that the workshop is designed and equipped to keep you safe and comfortable now, and in the event of any future developments.
So here’s what's being to make the People Powered Press a safe, creative place.
- Staff will be tested for Covid on the morning of the day on which any workshop will take place.
- All participants will be asked to take a Covid test before travelling to the workshop.
- The space will be well ventilated, using our in-built extraction system and an air purifier.
- We have sanitiser stations around the space and there are wipes for cleaning surfaces and shared equipment.
- Masks will be worn inside the building if and when official guidance indicates that they should.
- We will provide workspace dividers if and when official guidance indicates that we should.
- BOOK WITH CONFIDENCE: if your workshop has to be postponed, your ticket will still be valid for the rescheduled event. If you're not able to get to it, we will offer you a full refund.
We’ll regularly review all these measures against the latest government guidance, and we hope that this will reassure you that you’re in a comfortable, safe environment, and that we’re taking your safety very seriously indeed.